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Welcome to the Language Lab

The Language Lab is an independent insitute of the faculty of arts and humanties that is available to all faculty members, especially students.

Students can borrow various learning materials from the language lab library. We offer text and exercise books, digital learning tools and audiovisual materials. The catalog of all available media is accessible in the media library during opening hours and online via the USB portal

Students, internal and external, also have the opportunity to have their language skills certified by taking a DAAD language assessment in English or Spanish. Further information can be found  here.

For teachers, we offer a total of four rooms for teaching puposes. These can be booked via Klips 2.0. Further information can be found under Service for teachers.




Where to find us


Universitätsstraße 22a
50937 Köln
Raum -1.208 (Gartengeschoss)
Tel: 0221/470 - 2944

